Are you READY for TSCA 2020 CDR Reporting?

TSCA Chemical Data Reporting is Back in 2020

Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) requires U.S. manufacturers and importers of certain chemicals to report information on these chemicals to the USEPA between June and September 2020.

For the 2020 submission period, companies must report for calendar years 2016, 2017, 2018, or 2019; however, the scope and thresholds of 2020 reporting requirements have not yet been published. CDR reporting can be complicated and very time-consuming, involving different groups within a supply chain. Companies who have not yet begun gathering data for their 2020 reports should begin now.

Before the reporting begins, EPA must finalize the revised Form U and update its CDR instructions.

The following are some anticipated updates to CDR requirements relative to 2016:

  • Processors may be subject to certain reporting requirements.
  • Potentially changing the general 25,000 lb. reporting threshold.
  • Additional processing and use reporting elements for substances in the consumer sector.
  • Changing reporting requirements for inorganic byproducts when such byproducts are subsequently recycled, reused, or reprocessed.
  • Assigning a lower reporting threshold for chemicals designated as high priority substances under section 6 of TSCA.  In December 2019, the EPA has issued a final list of an additional 20 chemicals designated as high priority.=

The submission deadline has been extended from November 30, 2020 to January 29, 2021

NGE has experience with TSCA compliance and Chemical Data Reporting for a variety of manufacturing sectors.

If you have questions or require assistance with TSCA 2020 CDR contact us now.

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