Corporate Level Multimedia Environmental Compliance Auditing

Corporate Level Multimedia Compliance Auditing

NGE implemented the corporate environmental audit program for various manufacturing facilities. We served as the lead auditor as part of their environmental compliance auditing programs.  NGE conducted an on-site comprehensive multi-media environmental audit of each facility to assist corporate personnel in tracking and developing environmental performance indicators and determining the compliance status.

Topics audited as part of this project include:

  • Air permitting and compliance
  • Stormwater management
  • Wastewater requirements
  • Environmental reporting requirements under EPCRA (Tier II and Form R)
  • Hazardous and universal waste requirements
  • Process Safety Management and Risk Management Plan requirements
  • Environmental training requirements.

NGE also audited state-specific and other required environmental plans or programs as requested by the client.

While onsite, the auditor reviewed physical aspects of facility operations, interviewed various personnel and reviewed facility environmental records to assess the facility’s compliance status with relevant environmental requirements.  As part of the corporate audit team, NGE provided knowledge of other similar facility’s practices and benchmarked these practices with each facility in order to streamline environmental practices for the client.

NGE prepared audit reports noting findings and recommended corrective actions and schedule for completion of corrective actions, which was reviewed by legal counsel.  The auditors also assisted legal counsel in the ranking of audits based on environmental liability and risk.  As follow up to the audits, NGE has periodic telephone calls with the facility environmental coordinator to ensure findings are addressed in a timely manner.

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