
OSHA PSM/EPA RMP Program Development

OSHA PSM/EPA RMP Program Development

NGE developed the PSM Manual for the covered process at their client’s manufacturing facility. NGE also conducted the process hazard analysis (PHA) for the pentane operation with appropriate facility personnel (i.e., facility management, operators, and maintenance personnel). 

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Abandoned Mine Lands Geotechnical Investigation

Abandoned Mine Lands Geotechnical Investigation

The State of West Virginia, Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Abandoned Mine Lands and Reclamation, issued open-ended Purchase Orders (DEP14999 & 15000) for geotechnical and subsurface investigation (drilling) services throughout West Virginia (northern and southern counties respectively). The field and laboratory services performed under these contracts culminated in the development of investigation reports to support the DEP’s AML program.

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