Blended water (70% fresh/30% reuse) was being pumped in preparation for fracturing operations. A weld failed, releasing blended water. NGE was on-site for complete pipeline remediation to access the spill and approximate the horizontal extent of impacted soils in order to develop a remedial action.
Environmental Field Services
Pit Closures
The closure of a former pit containing drilling fluids and cuttings from the drilling process was managed by NGE staff on several occasions. Fluids and solids were characterized, managed on site appropriately and disposed of at an approved facility.
Drill Cuttings Management
Streamlining these services into a single source provides cost and efficiency advantages to our clients.
Industrial Wastewater Remediation System Construction and O&M
Client: Chevron (former MolyCorp facility)The treatment system addressed groundwater, storm water and decontamination waters generated during clean-up of this site contaminated with low-level radiation.NGE was contracted to perform the installation, construction,...
Soil Remediation
Client: Northeast Natural EnergyThe objective of the soil remediation was to excavate soils impacted with drilling fluid via signs of stressed vegetation and the measuring of soil electrical conductivity (EC). Remedial activities consisted of excavating impacted soil...