Environmental Management Systems

Client: Various Industrial Clients
NGE has implemented ISO 14001 certifications for several manufacturing clients. NGE has Integrated Management Systems (IMS) which includes Quality, Safety and Environmental requirements (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001).
As a part of the EMS projects, NGE helped propose objective and target training to facility staff on adhering to the EMS, performed internal audits, developed EMS documentation, prepared work instructions and procedures, and provided on-call support for Registrar audits. Additionally, NGE completed a Cost-Benefit Analysis of the facility’s EMS and assisted facility personnel to identify and comply with EMS objectives and targets. As a result of NGE’s assistance, these facilities have maintained ISO14001 Certification.
NGE developed an Environmental Index as a tool for tracking the facility’s continual improvement, designed to track environmental performance based on day-to-day environmental compliance and success at maintaining the level of operation desired. The Environmental Index compiles and reviews information by the relevant department and based on specific criteria outlined by management, assigns a performance score. The scores are compiled both by the department and facility-wide personnel to provide a broad picture of performance at the facility.
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