Exploratory Drilling for Coal Reserves

NGE performed exploratory drilling on behalf of a coal reserves company in West Virginia. The primary object of this project was to determine the quantities and quality of coal seams.
To complete this project, NGE began by using its own in-house equipment to excavate access to the proposed remote boring location. Once the access road was constructed, NGE’s team mobilized their Diedrich D50 track-mounted drill rig to complete an 865-foot deep boring.
The boring was augered to the top of the bedrock. Upon refusal on bedrock, coring was performed using NQ-sized coring tools that provided two-inch diameter rock core samples. All rock core samples were retained in cardboard boxes. In addition, coal samples were secured in standard rock core wooden boxes lined with plastic. To ensure environmental compliance, drilling return water was retained in a sump pit to allow the appropriate settlement time before being discharged.
Once the target depth was reached, the drill crew remained on stand-by while E-logging procedures were performed by others. Upon completion of the E-logging procedures, the hole was tremi-grouted using a cement/bentonite mixture. Throughout the exploratory drilling process, NGE’s drilling crew maintained a field boring log. A copy of the driller’s handwritten log, along with the samples were provided to the client at completion of the project.
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