Pipeline Remediation

In mid-December 2017, blended water (70% fresh/30% reuse) was being pumped through a 16-inch HDPE pipeline in preparation for fracturing operations. Water transfer personnel were alerted to a pipe breach when they immediately noticed a decrease in line pressure and a spike in gallons per minute which resulted in the system being immediately shut down. It was discovered that a weld failed on a 16-inch HDPE water line, releasing blended water throughout the pipeline area, over an embankment, and down the hillside. NGE was on-site within hours to assess the spill and approximate the horizontal extent of impacted soils in order to develop a remedial action plan.
NGE provided technical assistance in identifying grid sample locations for the collection of soil samples for on-site field screening and off-site laboratory analysis and the field labor/equipment to remediate impacted areas.
The objective of the soil remediation was to excavate soils impacted with blended water to a chloride concentration less than 1,000 mg/kg. Remedial activities consisted of tree clearing, excavation of impacted soils for off-site disposal and restoration of excavated areas.
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