TSDF Audit Program

NGE assisted an aluminum manufacturing client with developing and implementing an audit program of the commercial facilities that treat, store, dispose of, recycle and transport their waste. The goal of the program was to assess and minimize the environmental risk associated with the third-party management of wastes generated at their manufacturing operations. The program is used to make decisions about the use of current and proposed waste management vendors.
NGE developed the audit program by establishing an audit protocol. The protocol assesses compliance history, facility design, spill/release/incident history, organizational structure, safety record, financial assurance, waste analysis and acceptance procedures, treatment, disposal or recycling process, and onsite/offsite contamination issues.
Prior to visiting each site, NGE requested relevant facility environmental information and completed a desktop audit using online databases. During the on-site portion of the audit, NGE reviewed physical aspects of facility operations, interviewed various personnel and reviewed facility environmental records. Following the on-site portion of the audit, NGE completed audit reports noting any issues and liability associated with each facility. Following the development of each report, NGE holds a brief call with facility management to discuss any concerns regarding use of the waste management vendors.
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