WWTP Pond Cleaning

WWTP Pond Cleaning

Client: Gautier Steel

Sludge in the WWTP accumulates over time and requires periodic removal. NGE staff have been performing the sludge removal, solidification, and disposal for more than five years.

NGE performs the WWTP pond cleaning on an annual basis. Prior to mobilization, NGE collects a sample for waste characterization of the WWTP sludge and prepares all required documents for PADEP approval for disposal at a permitted landfill facility. The pond is dewatered by creating a sump at the low point of the pond and pumping excess water from the pond to the adjacent WWTP. Once the pond is dewatered, solidification reagent is added to the pond to solidify the WWTP sludge. The material is blended via a long-stick excavator until the sludge passes a paint filter test and is acceptable to the landfill as a direct deposit solid. Tri-axle dump trucks are utilized for transport of the solidified material to a PADEP approved disposal facility. Typically, 300-400 tons of WWTP sludge are blended with solidification reagent for disposal during each cleanout.

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