The deadline for filing your annual Toxic Release Inventory (TRI or Form R) report is rapidly approaching, and there are some changes for RY2019. On June 7, 2018, EPA finalized a rule that adds a category of 13 specific nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) to the Toxics...
Environmental Compliance
WVDEP’s New Multiple Sector Stormwater General Permit
NOIs are Due on April 12, 2020 West Virginia’s Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) issued WV NPDES WV0111457 Multi-Sector Stormwater Permit on September 12, 2019, and it became effective on October 12, 2019. The Notice of Intent (NOI) for existing permit...
Are you READY for TSCA 2020 CDR Reporting?
TSCA Chemical Data Reporting is Back in 2020 Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) requires U.S. manufacturers and importers of certain chemicals to report information on these chemicals to the USEPA between June and September 2020. For the...
PA DEP Revises Land Recycling Technical Guidance Manual and Statewide Health Standards
The PA DEP is making the first substantial revisions since 2002 to the “Land Recycling Program Technical Guidance Manual.” The final draft, published on December 16, 2018, is open for a 90-day comment period, until March 16, 2019. These revisions to the Land Recycling...